During the technical meeting on swine production that was held between the Vice-Minister of Stockbreeding, the Director General of Livestock Production Assistance of the National Animal Quality and Health Service (SENACSA), technicians, representatives of the private sector and international experts on the swine sector, the Vice-Minister of Stockbreeding, Dr. Luis Antonio Goiburú Vera, declared that a Pig Production National Pan must be prepared in Paraguay.
The Vice-Minister talked about the need for informing about the progress and that, with respect to this, the VMG and the SENACSA are working together, through their technicians, in the standardisation of the criteria. On the other hand, he expressed that pig production must be promoted, and that work must be done at an international level in order to be able to export the product.

For their part, the representatives of the private sector expressed that pig production has increased, and currently, the national production has shown a great growth in terms of quality and volume, and there are good expectations for exportation.
Friday November 1, 2013/ SENACSA/ Paraguay.