The Paraguayan pig sector is at an all-time exportation high regarding the supply of foreign currency, because between January and May 2014 it exported US$2.8 million worth, and this represents a growth by 73% with respect to the same period in 2013, according to the Senacsa. The volume of the exports also rose by 22% and reached 783 tonnes between January and May 2014, whilst in 2013 the amount was 638 tonnes.
Paraguay exports pig meat to Russia, that purchased 755 tonnes, and to Hong Kong, that purchased 28 tonnes.

Alongside, the home consumption of pig meat has also grown during the last three years, with a rise by 45% according to the statistics of Frigorífico UPISA.
According to the MAG, the pig national herd adds up to 1.3 million heads.
The estimations of the Production Cooperatives' Federation (Fecoprod) show that the pig meat production will increase at a sustained pace of 5% in the next years, so it is necessary to open more markets for the exportation. Currently, almost all the exports go to Russia.
Sunday June 22, 2014/ La Nación/ Paraguay.