The National Quality and Animal Health Service (SENACSA) has started the procedures to request the Classical Swine Fever-free country certification to the World Animal Health Organisation (WOAH).
The control and eradication programme started in 1991 has attained, to this date, the obtaining of a CSF-free area in the Western Region (or Chaco) and the withdrawing of vaccination in the Eastern Region.

In order to maintain the health status, an Epidemiologic Surveillance Programme has been implemented with a random field sampling and a systematic random sampling at cold stores and abattoirs to detect any sign or symptom compatible with CSF, with lab analyses that use antibody detection techniques (ELISA), identification of viruses through the detection by means of immunomarking of the virus antigens (IFD) and antigens (ELISA), and the mollecular identification of their genetic material (conventional PCR) regarding the virus assessment. Apart from the compulsory notification by the producers or third parties, the pig farms register, the control of the movements of animals, etc. have been implemented to improve the ability to control the disease.
Thursday, 19 November 2015/ SENACSA/ Paraguay.