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Brazil: Paraná achieves its highest six-month pig production ever

From January to June, Paraná recorded the highest number of pigs slaughtered in six months, with 5.9 million head.

12 September 2023

The IBGE survey pointed to another record in food production in the state. From January to June, Paraná recorded its highest six-month pig slaughter in the historical series, which began in 1997. There were 5.9 million head slaughtered over the first six months of the year, 138,000 more than in the previous six months, which represents a growth of 2.3%.

The figures maintain Paraná's position as the country's second-largest pork producer, behind Santa Catarina, which reached 8.4 million head in the same period.

The gap between the states, however, has been narrowing. In the first quarter of the year, Santa Catarina was responsible for 29.9% of national production, while Paraná accounted for 20.5% of the country's total. Between April and June this year, Santa Catarina's share fell to 29.7% and Paraná's production now represents 21.4% of the national total.

This was because, between April and June, Paraná reached the mark of 3 million pigs slaughtered in a quarter for the first time.

Paraná's results in pork production are also better than the national average. In Brazil as a whole, production in the first half of 2023 was 28.2 million units, which represents a negative fluctuation of 0.1% in relation to the immediately preceding six-month period.

September 6, 2023/ AEN/ Brazil.

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