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Brazil: Paraná finishes first crop corn planting

This year's area is 18% smaller than the last season when the first crop spanned 379,100 hectares.

13 December 2023

The planting of first crop corn in Paraná has finished, covering 312,000 hectares. The harvest is expected to reach 3 million tons.

Low light levels have hampered the development of the corn, which may slightly lower projected yields compared to the 2022 season. This year's area is 18% smaller than the last season's when the first crop covered 379,100 hectares. The reduction in the production estimate should follow the same percentage. Earlier this year, 3.7 million tons were harvested from the first crop.

Once again, this follows the trend seen since the 1980s that the first crop is less than the second, which is still called "off-season" from the time when it was actually smaller. In 2022 it yielded 14 million tons of corn.

What can be seen in the field is that soybeans are advancing in their stages, with pods already formed in 17% of the planned area of 5.8 million hectares. In the previous season, in the same period, only 3% were at this stage. Off-season corn should occupy at least 2.3 million hectares.

December 7, 2023/ AGRICULTURA PR/ Brazil.

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