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Brazil: Paraná made its first pork shipments to the Philippines

Paraná exported around 56 tons of frozen pork cuts to the Philippines in July.

4 September 2024

In July 2024, Paraná made its first pork shipments to the Philippines, a market that imported large volumes previously exclusively from Santa Catarina, according to data from the Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX). Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo also made their first significant pork exports to the Philippines in July, with volumes of 1,200 tons and 81 tons, respectively.

This new partnership is very important because the Philippines was the main destination for Brazilian pork exports during the period, accounting for 20% of Brazil's total pork exports. Santa Catarina alone exported around 24,000 tons to the Philippines, which corresponds to 33% of the state's total exports and 95% of the pork sent to the Philippines.

August 15, 2024/ AGRICULTURA PR/ Brazil.

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