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Peru bans importing pigs and byproducts from countries affected by ASF

The measure published in the official bulletin under directorial resolution (RD) No. 0051-2019 aims to maintain the country's health status.

10 January 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation - Minagri, through the National Agricultural Health Service - Senasa, banned importing live pigs, pork products, and byproducts into Peru from countries affected by African swine fever.

The measure published in the official bulletin under directive resolution (RD) No. 0051-2019 aims to protect the country's health status, the production of nearly 600,000 pig farmers nationwide, and the health of the country's over 3 million pigs. It also seeks to avoid the possible economic losses that would amount to $97 million if just 30% of pork production were to be affected.

America is free of the disease which is why MINAGRI, through SENASA, coordinates efforts with public and private institutions involved in the pork industry to maintain the country's ASF-free status.

A month ago, in order to strengthen response capacity, and the timely and efficient care for SENASA personnel, a prevention drill was held in the southern zone of the department of Lima to train and prepare those involved such as producers, veterinarians, local and regional government authorities, and private companies to prepare stakeholders to face a health emergency if it were to occur.

Monday, December 16, 2019/ Minagri/ Peru.

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