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Peru declares 11 regions free of Classical Swine Fever

This achievement directly benefits the more than 157,704 pig farmers in Peru.

16 November 2022

The National Agricultural Health Service (SENASA), an institution of the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation (MIDAGRI), declared the following departments as free of Classical Swine Fever via Resolution 0162-2022-MIDAGRI-SENASA: Apurimac, Arequipa, Ayacucho, Cusco, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Puno, San Martin, Tacna, and Ucayali.

For Ayacucho, the declaration is on a partial basis (except for the province of Huanta and the districts of Ayna, Tambo, San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Samuragui, Anchihuay, and Anco in the province of La Mar) as well as for Cusco (except for the districts of Pichari, Kimbiri, Villa Kintiarina, and Villa Virgen in the province of La Convención).

The declaration of a zone free of this disease will improve the sanitary conditions of the industry, allowing Peru to begin negotiations with international markets to open markets for pork.

November 8, 2022/ Ministry of Agricultural Development and Irrigation/ Peru.

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