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Perú starts to export pork to Bolivia

Two Peruvian companies have already received the authorisation, as they fulfil the health and harmlessness safety margins demanded by the importing country.

8 September 2017

In the setting of the Presidential and the Peru-Bolivia Binational Cabinet meeting, Mr José Manuel Hernández, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru, and Mr César Cocarico Yana, Minister of Rural Development and Lands of Bolivia, have announced that in a few days the animal health requirements that will allow the exportation of Peruvian pork to Bolivia, as well as live breeder cattle to the Peruvian market will be published.

The Peruvian exporters SUPEMSA and Corporación RICO, received the authorisation, as they fulfilled the health and harmlessness safety margins demanded with products free from diseases that do not entail a risk for the importing country.

In 2018, the SENASA shall begin the second stage of the project for the control and eradication of Classical Swine Fever with the aim of carrying on with the eradication of the disease in Peru, benefiting more than 600,000 small pig producers.

Friday, September 1st, 2017/ SENASA/ Peru.

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