
Peru: two outbreaks of transmissible gastroenteritis

Peruvian veterinary authorities have reported two outbreaks of transmissible gastroenteritis in Peru.

30 November 2011

Peruvian veterinary authorities have reported two outbreaks of transmissible gastroenteritis in Peru.

The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) received an immediate notification today 30 November. The two affected villages were Callao (Ventanilla, Lima) and Huachipa (San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima).

In Callao 7 pigs from a backyard farm with 7 sows and 7 piglets were affected, three 7-day-old piglets died, while in Huachipa, 60 piglets from a non technified small farm with 40 sows and 105 piglets were affected, five 15-day-old piglets died.

Several measures have been applied to contain the situation. Some of these include:

Disinfection of infected premises/establishment(s)
No vaccination
No treatment of affected animals
Movement control inside the country

Wednesday November 30, 2011/ OIE.

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