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Philippines: Agriculture grew in the first quarter of 2018

Agriculture grew by 1.47 percent in the first quarter of 2018. Contributing to the sector’s performance were the production gains in the crops, livestock and poultry subsectors.

11 May 2018

At current prices, gross value of agricultural production amounted to PhP 444.0 billion. This was 8.94 percent higher than last year’s earnings.

The crops subsector which contributed 53.76 percent to total agricultural output went up by 1.79 percent.

The livestock subsector registered a 2.11 percent growth in output. It shared 16.96 percent in the total agricultural production. Hog, the major growth driver, increased by 2.39 percent. The gross value of livestock production amounted to PhP 75.5 billion at current prices which was 15.46 percent more than last year’s record.

On the average, farmgate prices went up by 7.36 percent during the first quarter of 2018. Price uptrends were recorded in all subsectors; crops at 6.33 percent, livestock at 13.07 percent, poultry at 3.13 percent, and fisheries at 9.68 percent.

Tuesday May 8, 2018/ Philippine Statistics Authority/ Philippines.

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