
Philippines - Extra income from meat processing for RIC Plaridel

Providing alternative livelihood to the rural communities to alleviate their living condition was the primary goal of the Department of Agriculture- Regional Field Unit 10 (DA-RFU 10) in collaboration with Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI) Region 10 and Local Government Unit (LGU) of Plaridel.
8 June 2010
Providing alternative livelihood to the rural communities to alleviate their living condition was the primary goal of the Department of Agriculture- Regional Field Unit 10 (DA-RFU 10) in collaboration with Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI) Region 10 and Local Government Unit (LGU) of Plaridel.

The training aimed to enhance the meat processing livelihood project of backyard livestock raisers to add more value to their meat products. Shelf life of the meat will also be increased through meat processing technologies. In support to this project, Plaridel LGU requested training through DA-ATI in coordination with DA-RFU 10 for the provision of technical assistance.


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