
Philippines: Grain and Feed Update

The COVID-19 pandemic and African Swine Fever continue to dampen feed demand in the Philippines.

17 December 2020

According to FAS (USDA) report, the COVID-19 pandemic and African Swine Fever continue to dampen feed demand in the Philippines, while recent typhoons were damaging to rice and corn but not enough to offset strong production in the first quarter of MY20/21.

Post lowers MY20/21 wheat imports to 6.8 million MT due to weaker demand for feed wheat and new policies limiting issuance of Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) Import Clearances.

MY20/21 corn imports are raised twenty percent to 600,000 MT due to increased trade through September. Corn imports are affected by the same new policy as feed wheat, however, and industry has raised concerns of feed availability in 2021.

Meanwhile, Post raises milled rice production up 2.5 percent in MY20/201 to 12 million MT due to production growth from July -December 2020. Rice imports during the same period are lowered from 2.6 million MT to 2.3 million MT based on the current pace of SPS Import Clearances being issued/applied for.

December 10, 2020/ FAS-USDA/ United States.

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