
Philippines: New laboratory to combat ASF, animal diseases

The modern animal disease laboratory will ultimately help protect the livestock industries in Central Luzon from diseases like ASF and FMD.

24 September 2020

Located in Paraiso, Tarlac City, the new Regional Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (RADDL) aims ensure a healthy and resilient animal sector in the region. The laboratory will provide accurate diagnoses of major animal diseases and assist the government in decision making regarding prevention of animal disease spread.

According to Agriculture Secretary William Dar, the facility will help improve measures against animal diseases that have often affected provinces in the region. Secretary Dar expressed his hope that the new facility will help put an end to African swine fever in the country.

The laboratory, funded by the United States Defense Threat Reduction Agency (US DTRA), provides services and tests needed for trade, disease surveillance, animal health, regulations, and research. It will also serve as training facility for veterinary clinicians, students, and professionals.

At present, there are RADDLs in Region 2, Cebu, Cagayan De Oro, General Santos, and Davao.

September 16, 2020/ Department of Agriculture/ Philippines.

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