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Belgium: Pig and cattle inventories continue to decline, poultry increases

Pig and cattle inventories continue to decline in Belgium while the number of poultry, sheep, and goats is increasing.

2 September 2024

Statbel statistics reveal Belgian pig and cattle inventories continued to decline in 2023, while the poultry inventory increased. The aging of farmers and the uncertainty surrounding permits and nitrogen regulations contribute to the decline.

The pig inventory decreased by 6.5% in October 2023, compared to October 2022. The decrease occurred in both finishing and breeding pigs. The number of pig farms also decreased. In Flanders, this number decreased by 7.4% and in Wallonia by 11.6%.

The cattle inventory also shrank again last year. In October 2023, there were 2.25 million animals, 1.8% less than in October 2022. The number of cattle farms in Belgium also fell by 3.3%.

The poultry inventory increased by 2.3% last year, attributable to the increase in the broiler chicken subsector (+3.7%). This increase was offset by a 9.9% decrease in poultry farms.

The number of sheep in Belgium increased by 10.2% and goats by 12.4%.

August 8, 2024/ Vilt/ Belgium.

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