The Bigard business group, leader in the French meat sector, sent a letter to all its suppliers informing them of their new policy on the purchase price of pigs, pointing out that this week it will buy carcasses at €1.329/kg (with the exception of its quality product lines that remain at the base price of the Marché du Porc Breton), as published by France3. This price set by Bigard is lower than the reference price set last Thursdat by the MPB, that reached €1.372€/kg.
Since August 7th, the Bigard group carried on buying at the MPB price, but directly, 90,000 pigs per week. According to the group it is not possible to buy “through the Marché du Porc Breton” anymore, as their prices are not in line with the market. The group has decided to apply a free market price.

This decision has been harshly condemned by the pig farmers.
Friday, 18 September 2015/ France3/ France.