According to "Agriculture In the United Kingdom 2016", the total number of pigs in the UK increased by 2.7%, from 4.7 million animals in 2015 to almost 4.9 million in 2016. The main reason for this was the 2.9% increase in fattening pigs, largely due to the 2.4% rise in the England figures which account for 80% of the UK fatteners.
Home fed pig meat production rose by 3.0% in 2016 to 887 thousand tonnes, driven by an increase in slaughter throughput of sows and boars (4.9%) and a small increase in carcase weights.

Pig prices decreased by another 2.0% following the 17% fall in 2015. The increase in production volume led to an increase in the value of production by 1.8% (£19 million) to £1.10 billion.
Average Farm Business Income is forecast to increase on specialist pig farms to £57,000 in England and £25,000 in Northern Ireland. This is almost entirely due to firmer pigmeat prices driven by weaker sterling and tighter supplies. Compared to the previous year, finished pig prices have been on average around 5% higher, although throughput has been slightly lower.
June 2017/DEFRA/ United Kingdom.