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Pig production increase expected in Mexico

The highest rise will be experienced by fowl, followed by pork, whose output will grow by almost 13%.

9 November 2015

According to the FAO's report “Prospects of agriculture and rural development in America: a look at Latin America and the Caribbean 2015-2016", in the 2014-2023 period a growth in the Mexican meat production, driven greatly by the international trade, is expected.

The biggest rise will be experienced by fowl, because a rise in production by 27% and in exports by 90% are expected; followed by pork, that wil grow almost by 13%, although a drop in exports by 6.5% is expected after a rise by 130% during 2000-2013. In third place we have beef, that will increase its production by 9.3% and its exports by 4%. Lastly, lamb production is expected to grow by 8.5%, and its exports by 43%.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015/ FAO.

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