According to the data published by the GPP, during the first 9 months of 2015, the pig slaughterings have increased by 6.4% in Portugal (4,136,532 tonnes in 2015 versus 3,889,323 in 2014), with 3,327,538 fattening pigs (+3.9%) and 783,080 piglets (+19.4%).
With respect to the trade between January and September 2015, and in comparison with the same period in 2014, the pig and pork imports increased by 1.1%, and the exports grew by 15.5%. In total, the imports amounted 189,023 tonnes in 2015 (186,954 tonnes in 2014), and the exports amounted 49,909 tonnes (43,206 tones in 2014).

Monday, 23 November 2015/ Boletim SIMA/ Portugal