In relation to difficult situation in the pig sector caused by 2 cases of ASF in wild boars detected near the border with Belarus – Agriculture Minister Kalemba asked the Commissioner for Agriculture for urgent meeting to undertake relevant measures.
Minister S. Kalemba met with Commissioner D. Ciolos last week to discuss the current situation on the pig market in Poland, especially in the field of restrictions.

Minister Kalemba presented the very difficult situation of pig farmers in Poland in the designated area of restrictions for pig farmers – because of ASF in 2 wild boars. Minister requested the Commission for financial aid in the form of compensations for pig farmers – in case of introduction of restrictions on the market and collapse of pig prices. He also applied for introduction of other extraordinary measures for pig farmers on the remaining area of Poland, including payments to private storage and export subsidies.
The Commissioner, after listening to Poland’s arguments and analysing the data illustrating the current difficult situation in Poland, decided to introduce on the area covered by restrictions, compensations for pig farmers and to prepare a legal basis of the Commission within the scope.
The farmers’ compensation scheme will be applied as of the date of introducing restrictions on the area of Poland designated by law. The pig farmers from the designated zone will receive compensations on the basis of invoices for sold pigs for fattening in the period from 18 February this year.
Friday March 7, 2014/ Ministry of Agriculture/ Poland.