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How did Poland's pig population change in 2020?

Compared to the same period a year ago, there was a 4.6% increase in pigs, primarily sows.

8 February 2021

At the beginning of December 2020, Poland's swine census totaled 11.73 million head, a 4.6% increase (+512,000 head) from the same period in 2019, and representing a 2.6% increase from June 2020 (+294,800 head).

The largest increase was observed in breeding sows - compared to December 2019 the number of these animals increased by 7.7% to 815,000 thousand head, including the population of gestating sows which increased by 27,200 thousand head (by 5.2%) to 546,700 head.

Poland pig population since 2011. (Source: GUS)
Poland pig population since 2011. (Source: GUS)

As for the structure of the pig census, the share of pigs for slaughter and pigs for rearing increased slightly in 2020 (+0.3% and +0.2% respectively) compared to December of 2019.

In the period from June to November 2020, pig imports amounted to 3.5 million head and were 0.8% higher than the same period of 2019 (+27,200 head). This contributed to the growth of the pig census.

January 29, 2021/ Central Statistical Office of Poland/ Poland.

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