On 24 April 2014, a conference “New perspectives for trade with China in agri-food sector”, organised by the Polish Chamber of Commerce and the Association of Butchers and Cured Meat Manufacturers of the Republic of Poland, was held in the seat of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
Opening the meeting minister Marek Sawicki emphasised that China is an important market for Polish agri-food products. He said that he is glad that the Polish-Chinese relations are maintained at the level of both enterprise and government. He mentioned the meeting with the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Poland and the planned visit to China in May which will cover a discussion on re-starting export of Polish pigmeat to China and procedures for access of Polish products to the Chinese market. Minister expressed hope that the meeting will contribute to the development of Polish-Chinese trade contacts.

Further on, the Vice-President of the Agricultural Market Agency – Lucjan Zwolak, discussed the possibilities of benefiting from promotion funds by Polish food companies. The audience also had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the workings of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone. President of the Board of Shanghai Waigaoqiao International Food and Distribution Centre – Alex Chu, discussed the rules of functioning of the Distribution Centre and the possibilities of cooperation with the Polish companies. The issues of export requirements for products of animal origin were covered by the Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer – Jarosław Naze.
Thursday April 24, 2014/ Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi/ Poland.