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Pork global production is forecast down

According to USDA, pork global production is forecast down 1 percent to 109,3 million tons.

20 April 2016

Pork global production is forecast down 1 percent to 109,3 million tons as declines in China and the EU more than offset gains by the United States, Brazil, and Russia. Chinese production will continue to contract due to the slowing economy and continuing repercussions of environmental regulations. EU production will decline as low prices spur herd contraction. Increased exports driven by a weak currency and improved market access will raise Brazilian production. Russian production will continue moderate expansion but at a slower pace due to the struggling economy and competition from lower global pork prices. 

Exports by major traders are forecast 6 percent higher to a record 7,6 million tons. An increase in exportable EU and U.S. supplies will put downward pressure on global prices and stimulate demand. Shipments to Asia, in particular, are expected to flourish.

U.S. production is forecast up 2 percent to a record 11,3 million tons on continued moderate industry growth. Exports are forecast over 5 percent higher to 2,4 million tons as competitive prices will bolster shipments to most markets, particularly China and Mexico.

April 2016/ FAS-USDA/ United States.

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