According to FAS-USDA, pork production in India is estimated at 464 thousand metric tons in FY 2014-15 (April - March) (GOI), which contributes approximately 8 percent of the country’s animal protein sources. From FY 2009- 0 to 2014-15, pork production increased at a slow pace with compound annual growth rate of 1.4 percent due to population growth.
According to the Livestock Census, 2012, published by Government of India (GOI) , the pig population declined by 7.5 percent to 10.3 million from 2007 to 2012. The decline in population may be attributed to disease outbreaks. The eastern and north eastern regions of the country comprise around 63 percent of the pig population. The highest pig population is in state of Assam (1.63 million) followed by Uttar Pradesh (1.33 million), Jharkhand (0.96 million), Bihar (0.65 million) and West Bengal (0.65 million). The pork production is concentrated mainly in the states of Uttar Pradesh (30 percent), followed by north - eastern states (25 percent), Bihar (15 percent), West Bengal (6 percent), Karnataka (4 percent), Jharkhand (4 percent), and Kerala (3 percent).

Tuesday July, 26, 2016/ FAS-USDA/ United States.