This peer-reviewed methodology is the first of its kind for the red meat sector, with no other existing Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for the value chain.
The main goal of the methodology is to calculate the full environmental footprint of the EU red meat in a stable, robust and science-based way. The Red Meat FCRs aim to improve the environmental performance of the sector and for each of the farming stages; in addition these rules support the role of manure when assessing the carbon sequestration potential.
The Footprint Category Rules for Red Meat (FCR RED MEAT) will allow individual companies, in the red meat sector, to assess their environmental hot-spots associated with their supply chain and to compare environmental performance within species (pork vs. pork, beef vs. beef, lamb vs. lamb).
Now that the Red Meat FCRs have been finalised, the UECBV wishes to further engage with the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) transition phase (Directorate General Environment – European Commission) and with the FAO Livestock Environmental Assessment Performance partnership on road testing of the methodology and work with producers across Europe to enable them to improve their environmental performance and to mitigate their impact over the coming years.
Footprint Category Rules Red Meat
Tuesday September 17, 2019/ UECBV/ European Union.