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Canada: Port of Montreal labor strike affects pork and soybean exports

Millions of tons of grain pass through the Port of Montreal every year with October and November being peak agricultural export months.

6 November 2024

As of October 31, the Longshoremen’s Union, CUPE Local 375, is on unlimited labor strike action at the Port of Montreal’s two Termont terminals (two of the four container terminals at the Port).

Bulk grain handling activities remain unaffected by the current and proposed strike actions as they are protected under the Canada Labour Code.

A slowdown of exports of containerized agri-food and commodities (lentils, pork, soybeans) is expected. Food and fresh produce (e.g. fruits, wine, processed food, and drinks) will be directly impacted.

The Port of Montreal is a major hub for grain handling, and every year millions of tons of grain pass through the Port of Montreal via two facilities: a containerized grain facility operated by DG CanEst Transit Inc., and a large bulk grain elevator operated by Viterra. Together, they ship corn, soybeans, winter wheat, undenatured ethanol, pulses, and special crops produced in Ontario and Quebec. October and November are peak agricultural export months for both infrastructures.

November 1, 2024/ USDA/ United States.

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