The Directorate General of Agriculture and Rural Development (DGADR), the Regional Directorates of Agriculture and Fisheries (DRAPs), the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), The Portuguese Veterinary Association (OMV), the Pig Production Scientific Society (SCS), the Portuguese Veterinary Pharmaceutical Industry Association (APIFVET), the Portuguese Feed Producers’ Association (IACA) and the Portuguese Federation of Pig Producers’ Associations (FPAS) will sign an agreement within the framework of the 24th Feira do Porco (Pig Trade Fair) in favour of public health, committing to reduce the use of antimicrobials, especially colistin, in pig production.
All the partners implied in this project, especially in the primary sector, understand that it is urgent to implement effective measures to allow a pork production with high safety and quality levels, avoiding resorting to colistin for the treatment of the animals.

Monday, May 7th, 2018/ FPAS Newsletter no. 420/ Portugal.