According to data from the first quarter of 2015, provided by SIMA (Agricultural Markets Information System), regarding exports and imports of pork and derived products:
- Frozen meat: in the January to March 2015 period Portugal received 6,529 tonnes, 22.1% less than in the same period last year (8,384 tons). The exports of this product suffered a slight 2-tonne reduction, to 3,081 tonnes.
- Fresh / chilled meat: in the first quarter 22,051 tonnes (+ 3%) were imported, and 4,176 tons (+ 14.1%) exported.
- Offal: imports suffered a 21.6% decline, while production in the same period showed an increase of 21.4%.
In general, both imports and exports experienced increases of 3.6% and 5%, respectively.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015 / Sectoral Suínos Newsletter week 20 SIMA / Portugal