According to the provisional data published by the GPP, and provided by the INE, the slaughterings of pigs in Portugal between January and December 2017 dropped in comparison with the same period in 2016, both regarding the number of slaughtered animals and the weight in tonnes.
The data regarding the number of heads show a drop by 4.1% (5,473,174 in 2017 versus 5,705,216 in 2016). These figures are itemised as follows: 4,241,779 pigs (-4.9%), 1.207.424 piglets (-0.8%) and 23,971 breeders (-17.6%).

The weights at slaughter also dropped: by 5.4% in the case of pigs and by 0.7% in the case of piglets.
Monday, February 19th, 2018/ Boletim SIMA do GPP/ Portugal.