The export of live pigs, either for slaughter or as piglets for finishing, increased by 20.1% in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the same period of 2020, from 120,466 head to 144,699 head (+24,233 head). This corresponds to about 12,000 head per week being shipped out of Portugal, with the main destination (if not the only destination) being Spain.
Portugal increased its exports of pork by 39.3% in the first quarter of 2021 (18,125.6 tons) compared to the same period in 2020 (13,013.7 t). Frozen pork sales grew by 90.1%, from 5,991.9 t in 2020 to 11,387.8 t in 2021, strongly influenced by exports to Southeast Asia, mainly China. As for fresh and refrigerated pork, there was a 10.9% increase compared to 2020, from 3,749.6 t to 4,156.6 t. Offal sales decreased by 21.1%, from 3,272.2 t 2020 to 2,581.2 t in 2021.

The value of exports increased by 9.1%, from €49,315.7 million [49.3 billion] in 2020 to €53,799.5 million [53.8 billion] in 2021.
May 24, 2021/ Newsletter SIMA/ Portugal.