These figures are broken down into 2,199,596 fattening pigs (+ 5.4%) and 455,256 piglets (+ 18.8%.)
The slaughter weight has also increased —by 8% in fattening pigs and by 20.1% in piglets in this case—, which means that the animals were heavier at slaughter.
With regards to trade, imports of pigs and pork increased by 2.7% and exports increased by 18.6% in the first half of 2015, compared to the same period of 2014. As per global quantities, imports totalled 122,279 tonnes in 2015 (119,094 tonnes in 2014), whereas exports amounted to 33,625 tonnes (28,347 tonnes in 2014).

Monday, August 24, 2015 / Boletim SIMA / Portugal.