According to data published by the GPP, provided by INE as preliminary data, pig slaughter in Portugal in the first nine months of 2023 decreased by 4.5% compared to the same period last year. The total number of pigs slaughtered went from 2,988,417 head from January - September 2022 to 2,854,943 head in 2023 (-133,474 head). This decrease is in addition to the 1.5% drop in slaughter that occurred in the same time period in 2022 compared to 2021.
Slaughter weight also fell, but by 3.9%, which means that lighter pigs were slaughtered this year than in 2022, with the total weight going from 248,021 tons in 2022 to 238,356.2 tons in 2023. This gives an average carcass weight of 83.5 kg this year compared to 84.1 kg in 2022.

Regarding piglet slaughter, there was a 7.4% drop (-76,429 head) in the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, as the number of head slaughtered was 957,838 compared to 1,034,267 head the previous year. The slaughter weight also fell by 6.2% from 7,228 tons in 2022 to 6,781 tons in 2023, which means that the average weight remained the same, at approximately 7 kg per carcass.
As for cull breeding stock, 2,640 head were slaughtered (-14.8%) in 2023 compared to 30,563 head in 2022. The total weight fell by 18.8% from 4,668 tons in 2022 to 3,793 tons in 2023. The average slaughter weight was 145.7 kg per carcass.
In total, 3,838,821 head were slaughtered and approved for consumption in these first nine months of 2023, down 5.3% from 2022 when 4,053,247 head were slaughtered. The total slaughter weight was 248,930 tons, down 4.2% from 2022 when 259,917 tons were approved for consumption.
November 20, 2023/ GPP Swine News Bulletin No. 46/ Portugal.