According to the data published by the GPP and provided by the INE, in the first half of 2018, in Portugal the number of slaughtered animals has increased by 1.8% in comparison with the first half of 2017.
The data show that the total number of slaughtered animals reached 2,645,372 (2,599,274 in 2017), itemised as follows: 2,103,758 fattening pigs (+0.6%), 525,172 piglets (+5.9%) and 16,442 breeders (+49%).

The weight at slaughter also increased by 2.2%, as an average, with a rise by 1,7% in the case of the fattening pigs, by 4.9% for the piglets and by 47.7% for the breeders.
Monday, August 13th, 2018/ SIMA/ Portugal.