According to data published by the GPP, provided by INE as preliminary data, imports of pigs for slaughter increased by 2% between January and September 2024 compared to the same period in 2023, going from 672,045 head last year to 685,204 head this year. Total weight fell by 3.6%, from 70,013 tons in 2023 to 72,556 tons this year. This gives an average weight of 105.9 kg live weight in 2024, compared to an average weight of 104.2 kg in 2023.
Imports of pork and pork products increased by 5.3%, from 72,779 tons in 2023 to 76,638 tons in 2024. Pork imports are broken down as follows: frozen pork saw a 0.8% reduction in imports, from 17,904 tons in 2023 to 17,753 tons in 2024. Imports of fresh/chilled pork increased by 7.8%, from 53,754 tons in 2023 to 57,946 tons in 2024. Offal imports fell by 16.3%, from 1121 tons in 2023 to 939 tons in 2024.

In terms of value, import turnover increased by 1.1% in 2024, or +4.667 million euros, from 428.647 million euros in 2023 to 433.314 million euros in 2024.
November 18, 2024/ SIMA Bouletin no. 46/ Portugal.