According to the data provided by the IFAP with respect to the swine census in December 2014, the number of sows (inseminated gilts, second or higher parity sows, lactating sows or sows expecting to be inseminated) was 180,528, which represents a drop by 1.9% with respect to December 2013 (183,960 animals) and by 3.9% in comparison to August 2014 (191,418 animals).
Regarding the non-inseminated gilts, there were 17,340 in December 2014, and this represents an increase by 3.5% with respect to December 2013 (16,725 animals) and a drop by 6.2% in comparison with August 2014 (18,421 animals).

The total swine census was 1,923,908 animals: a slight increase with respect to December 2013 (1,918,639 animals; + 0.27%), but a drop in comparison with August 2014 (2,038,946 heds; -6%).
January 2015 / Portugese Pig Producers' Associations Federation/ Portugal.