According to the provisional data published by the GPP (Planning, Policies and Administration Cabinet) of the Ministry of Agriculture, on the swine sector trade during 2014, the imports of live pigs and pork increased by 9.7%, and the exports by 17% in comparison with 2013. In total, 263,861 tonnes were imported in 2014 (240,490 tonnes in 2013), and 71,409 tonnes were exported (61,008 tonnes in 2013).
The imports of live animals to be slaughtered increased by 10%. Regarding fresh and refrigerated pork, the rise was by 6.3%, going from 95,933 tonnes to 102,000 tonnes. The frozen pork imports grew by 21.95%, going from 28,984 tonnes to 35,344 tonnes. The import of offal was the only sector that fell, going from 2,894 tonnes to 2,619 tonnes (-9.5%).

With respect to the exports, Portugal increased its sales of all the goods. In the case of live animals there was a slight growth by 0.6% , whilst for fresh meat the rise was by 9.6% with respect to 2013, going from 14,480 tonnes to 15,871 tones. But the highest increase in terms of percentage was that of frozen pork, that rose by 45.4% in 2014 in comparison with 2013, going from 17,714 tonnes to 25,755 tonnes. The sales of offal also had a significant growth (+5.6%), going from 10,206 tonnes to 11.797 tonnes.
Monday, 16 February 2015/ Boletim SIMA Newsletter - suinos - 07/ Portugal.