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Potential of insects as resources for animal feed

Wageningen University and FAO host international conference on the role of insects in sustainable food production.

15 May 2014

Insects can provide a sustainable and environmentally-friendly option for animal feed, in addition to already being a mainstay of human diets for 2 billion people worldwide, FAO Assistant Director-General Eduardo Rojas-Briales told an international gathering of researchers in The Netherlands.

Rojas spoke during the opening session of the conference, “Insects to Feed the World,” jointly organized by Wageningen University and the UN agency. More than 400 participants from 45 countries have gathered for the 14-17 May event to examine the current status and future potential of insects as food and feed.

“Raising insects for feed is an environmentally friendly and efficient way of producing animal feed,” said Rojas. “Insects can be fed on bio-waste, compost and animal slurry, and can transform these into high-quality protein for animal feed.”

Wednesday May 14, 2014/ FAO.

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