According to the last data published by the Eurostat regarding the prices of the market basket in the EU, the level of the prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages in the most expensive EU member states doubled that seen in the cheapest ones.
Denmark was the country with the highest food and non-alcoholic beverages prices in the EU, with 145% with respect to the EU average, followed by Sweden (124%), Austria (120%), Ireland and Finland (119% both) and Luxembourg (116%). On the other hand, the lowest levels of prices were seen in Poland (63%), Romania (64%), Bulgaria (70%), Lithuania (78%), the Czhec Republic and Hungary (79% both). In the case of Spain, the level of the prices of the market basket was 92% with respect to the EU average.

Regarding meat, in 2015, the countries with the highest level of prices were Switzerland (254%), Norway (157%) and Iceland (139%) and, on the other hand, the countries with the lowest prices were Albania (52%), Poland (54%), Bulgaria (55%) and the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (56%). In the case of Spain, the level of prices of meat was 85%: 15% below the EU average.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016/ Eurostat/ European Union.