According to the forecasts of the FAO, the production of cereals in Latin America and the Caribbean in the 2014/15 season will keep high, exceeding 220 million tonnes, although it will be 1.4% lower than in the previous season.
The FAO’s Quarterly Journal on Food Safety points out that the lower regional cereal production is due, to a great extent, to worse forecasts for South America, which would reduce its production by 1.8%, reaching 178.8 million tonnes.

Minor cereals
The regional production of minor cereals (barley, maize, rye, oats, millet, sorghum, buckwheat, quinoa, fonio, canary seed, mixed cereals, among others) will reach 165 million tonnes: 4.8% less than in the 2013/14 season.
The regional production of maize is expected to reach 115 million tonnes: 7% less in comparison with the record production of the last season. This is mainly due to a smaller surface sowed with second-harvest maize in Brazil and a lower performance in Argentina. In Mexico, a slight drop is also expected, with which its maize production would reach 22 million tonnes.
The FAO forecasts that wheat production in Latin America and the Caribbean will reach approximately 28 million tonnes: a rise by 21.7%. This is due to the good prospects in South America: it is expected that this sub-region reaches 23.8 million tonnes: 24.6% more in comparison with the previous year, as a consequence of the good weather conditions and the increase in the harvests, especially in Argentina and Brazil.
Tuesday September 23, 2014/ FAO.