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Progress made on long-term vision for EU rural areas

The European Commission has published a report outlining the good progress made so far under the EU's long-term rural vision, highlighting positive outcomes delivered since 2021 and presenting ideas for future work.

4 April 2024

The report outlines progress made under the “Long-term vision for the EU's rural areas” to support stronger, more connected, resilient and prosperous rural areas and communities. It presents 30 actions across a range of policy areas - of which nine are already completed.

Key achievements of the long-term vision to date include:

  • Launching a rural revitalisation platform for areas facing demographic and economic challenges;
  • Starting 60 rural research and innovation projects with a budget of €253 million contributing directly to rural areas;
  • Supporting the implementation of LEADER and guiding around 150 communities towards the creation of smart villages through dedicated networking activities;
  • Earmarking a total of €23.5 billion in grants and loans for underserved areas, as well as updated state aid rules to improve rural connectivity;
  • Improving rural mobility and tourism planning through a dedicated European Rural Mobility Network;
  • Creating the Rural energy community advisory hub, which has supported 27 rural energy communities;
  • Supporting four dedicated projects to help developing the social economy in rural areas;
  • Increasing the available number of datasets for rural areas and access to relevant rural data and analysis through the EU Rural Observatory and the new publication “Rural Europe”, improving capacities for rural proofing; and
  • Launching the Rural toolkit to ease access to EU funding for rural areas and optimal combination to EU funding for rural areas.

March 27, 2024/ EC/ European Union.

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