Total beef, poultry, and pork consumption per capita in Argentina could reach around 115.2 kg in 2023. If realized, this would represent an increase of 4.2% with respect to the previous year, and consumption levels would be close to those of 2017. In 2023, each inhabitant would consume a total of 4.0 and 3.4 kg more than the 5 and 10-year averages, respectively.
The breakdown of the meat diet of the average inhabitant would be 46% beef, 39% poultry, and 15% pork.

Purchasing power in terms of beef has improved in the last two years, both in relation to wages and to the prices of other meats, so its relative share of consumption has increased. However, if we look at a longer period, such as the average of the last 10 years, we can see that beef consumption has lost ground against its alternative products as a result of a lower purchasing power of wages and a relative decrease in the prices of chicken and pork.

Figure 1. Share of each type of meat in total consumption. Source: BCRmercados based on SAGyP data.
June 2, 2023/ Rosario Stock Exchange/ Argentina.