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Promoting European agri-food products: special focus on sustainable agriculture

A total of €182.9 million has been allocated to the promotion of EU agri-food products in and outside the EU in 2021.

24 December 2020

This promotion policy work programme puts a special focus on promoting products and farming methods that support more directly the European Green Deal objectives, prioritising organic products, fruit and vegetables and sustainable agriculture.

EU policy for the promotion of agri-food products is designed to increase the sector's competitiveness by taking advantage of expanding global agri-food markets, and raising awareness of the high standards used in EU agriculture, including in terms of quality and sustainability. A new framework for the promotion policy will be put in place next year, as envisaged in the Farm to Fork strategy.

Almost half of the budget (€86 million) will go towards campaigns more directly in line with the European Green Deal ambitions, and in particular the Farm to Fork strategy. This includes informing EU and global consumers about organic farming, EU sustainable agriculture and the role of the agri-food sector in terms of climate action and the environment. The selected campaigns will aim at raising awareness of these types of farming and increase recognition of the organic label. Furthermore, within the EU, campaigns will be funded to promote healthy eating and balanced diets by increasing the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Another focus of the campaigns will be to highlight the high safety and quality standards, as well as the diversity and traditional aspects of EU agri-food products. This includes the promotion of EU quality schemes such as geographical indications in the EU.

Finally, regarding campaigns outside the EU, priorities are set on markets with high-growth potential, such as Japan, South Korea, Canada and Mexico. The selected campaigns are expected to enhance the competitiveness and consumption of EU agri-food products, raise their profile and increase their market share in these targeted countries.

December 17, 2020/ European Commission/ European Union.

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