Pork is Quebec's top agricultural export commodity, with the province leading the country in pork exports. Parliamentary Secretary Jean-Claude Poissant, on behalf of Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Lawrence MacAulay, announced close to $1.4 million in financial assistance for Quebec's pork sector.
A total of $1.2 million is being provided by the federal and provincial governments through a contribution agreement signed under AgriRisk Initiatives, a program stemming from the Growing Forward 2 policy framework. It will be used to improve the Market Risk Management Service (SGRM), which was launched in 2000 by the Éleveurs de porcs du Québec (ÉPQ) to help producers handle large price fluctuations without having to individually secure the financing required by financial markets.

A further federal investment of $198,033, provided through the AgriInnovation program, will enable the Centre de développement du porc du Québec (CDPQ) to carry out a project aimed at assessing the impact of a precision feeding system on growth performance, productivity and feed costs in group-housed gestating sows.
Thursday June 8, 2017/ Government of Canada.