Top pork-producing countries
The first place in the world ranking of pork producers in 2022 will be occupied by China, with an expected 46.2% share of the overall total (110.5 Mt) and with expected production reaching 51 Mt, a figure that represents an increase of 7.4% over the 2021 total (47.5 Mt) (Figure 1).
Figure 1. World economic scenario

In second place will be the European Union, with an expected share of 20.9% and production reaching 23.2 Mt, a decrease of 2.4% compared to the previous year, while the United States will occupy the third place, with an 11.1% share, with production to stand at 12.3 Mt, contracting by 2.2% compared to 2021.
It is worth mentioning Latin America's presence in this ranking, as Brazil and Mexico are anticipated to occupy 4th and 8th place respectively, with expected productions reaching 4.4 and 1.5 Mt.
Top exporting countries of pork
With a volume of 4.8 Mt, the European Union will be the main exporter of pork in 2022, with an expected share of 40.7% of the overall total (11.7 Mt). Likewise, the United States will occupy the second position, participating with 25.6% of exports, although it is expected to see a decrease of 6.2% compared to 2021. Canada will occupy third place with a 12.5% share and an export volume of 1.5 Mt (Figure 2).
Once again we highlight the participation of Latin America in this ranking, since Brazil (1.3 Mt) and Mexico (0.3 Mt) are expected to occupy the 4th and 5th positions, with shares of 11.4% and 2.7% respectively, while Chile will rank 7th with 0.3 Mt.
Figure 2. World economic scenario in 2022
Top importing countries of pork
The ranking of importing countries will be led by China, which is expected to participate with 31.9% of the world total (11 Mt) with a volume of 3.5 Mt, representing a decrease of 19.2% compared to 2021. In second place is expected to be Japan with a share of 13.2%, while Mexico, which will be in third place worldwide with 10.9% of the overall total and will be the largest Latin American importer of pork with 1.2 Mt (Figure 2).
It is important to mention the Philippines, which will occupy the seventh place in the ranking of importers and is expected to see a decrease of 18.1% in its volume of imported products. A significant decrease of 10% is also expected in imports from Vietnam, which would occupy 9th place in the world ranking.
Economic Analysis Department of 333 LATAM with data from USDA Foreign Agricultural Service/ United States.