In 2022, Santa Catarina achieved the best results in pork exports since the beginning of the Epagri/Cepa historical series. Last year, the Brazilian state exported 602,400 tons of pork (fresh, processed, and offal), 4.1% more than the previous year. Revenues totaled US$1.43 billion, 2.5% more than in 2021. Santa Catarina was responsible for 54.8% of the volume and 56.3% of the value of Brazilian pork exports in 2022.
China, the leading destination, saw decreases of 10.6% in volume and 13.1% in value, compared to the previous year. Chile and Hong Kong also saw significant decreases in purchases of pork from Santa Catarina, especially in terms of value: -9.1% and -41.8%, respectively. These decreases were offset by growth in exports to other important destinations, such as the Philippines (+138.5% in volume and +164.1% in value) and Japan (+80.4% and +67.4%, respectively).
January 17, 2022 /EPAGRI /Brazil.