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Record of the Dutch pork exports to China

During the first 8 months of 2016, the shipments of Dutch pork to China have trebled, reaching almost 200,000 tonnes.

25 October 2016

According to data by the Dutch Meat Sector (CVO), the Dutch pork exports to China have reached a record figure.

The Commissioner, Mr. Phil Hogan, and the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Mr. Martijn van Dam, published officially the data during the ceremony related to the first shipment, 20 years before, of Dutch beef to the USA and of pork containers to China from the port of Rotterdam. 

The shipment of the pork container illustrated the record of the exports to China this year. During the first 8 months of 2016, the shipments of Dutch pork to China have trebled, reaching almost 200,000 tonnes. The Chinese market in terms of pork is specialy interesting for certain products that are not so popular in the EU, such as casings and offal.

Thursday, 22 September 2016/ CVO/ The Netherlands.

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