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Brazil: Santa Catarina sees strong increase in pork export value in April

The largest pork-producing state in Brazil, Santa Catarina, maintains export growth.

9 June 2021

Santa Catarina, the largest pork-producing state in Brazil, maintains growth in exports with a 54% increase in sales in April. In the fourth month of the year, Santa Catarina exported more than 50 thousand tons of pork, valued at more than US$ 123.7 million, the second highest value recorded since 1997.

April's performance consolidates the resumption of pork exports from Santa Catarina and the international presence in important consumer markets. Fifty thousand tons were exported, the fifth best result ever recorded by the state, 41.7% more than in the same period last year.

The turnover also exceeded expectations and was the second highest in 24 years, only behind that recorded in March of this year. According to Epagri/Cepa analyst, Alexandre Giehl, the result is due to the growth of exports to China, Chile, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. In April, exports from Santa Catarina to the Philippines stood out, with an increase of 1,271%, being the fourth largest destination for pork produced in the state last month. China continues as the main market, with 20,100 t last month (+55.7% compared to the same period in 2020). Chile, second in the export ranking, also increased imports by 130.6%.

May 24, 2021/ Government of Santa Catarina/ Brazil.

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