EU agri-food exports reached a record value of almost €12.7 billion in March 2017, according to the latest agri-food trade report published by the European Commission on 18 May 2017. This is €1.31 billion (+11.3%) higher than in March 2016, and the highest monthly export value seen over the last five years.
The highest increases in year-on-year monthly export values (March 2017 vs. March 2016) were recorded for the USA, Japan, Russia and Switzerland. Following the strong increase in exports, the trade balance in March 2017 reached €1.8 billion. In the 12 months from April 2016 to March 2017, EU agri-food exports reached a value of €133.5 billion, an increase of 3.6% in value terms compared to the same period a year earlier.

Focusing on the EU export performance per product category over the last twelve months, it confirms the trend over the last periods. Pig meat exports recover (EUR +1.35 billion; +32% compared to export values in the 12-months period one year ago). Meat offal, other meat and fat (EUR +596 million; +25%), infant food (EUR +570 million; +9%) wine (EUR +545 million; +5%), and olive oil (EUR +395 million; +17%) exports further improved.
In terms of imports over the past 12 months, the principal countries of origin were Brazil, USA, Argentina and China, followed by Switzerland, Turkey, Indonesia, Ukraine and Ivory Coast.

Thursday May 18, 2017/ DG Agriculture/ European Union.