Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a serious threat to human and animal health and a significant social and economic burden, both in the EU and globally. The European Commission sent a questionnaire to non-EU countries concerning their national policies and measures to address AMR
The questionnaire was sent by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (Health and food audits and analysis Directorate) to the 128 EU Delegations attached to non-EU countries 7 in December 2016, with a request for the questionnaire to be further distributed to the relevant national human health and veterinary competent authorities for AMR in those countries.

The responses received have been analysed in an anonymised way in this report, which presents an interesting overview of measures taken around the world to address the important challenge posed by AMR, both in human and veterinary medicine. This action is in line with the EU One Health Action Plan against AMR, which aims for stronger cooperation with international organisations and countries worldwide.
Prudent use of antimicrobials in animals
Question: Have any national policies or guidelines been developed in your country concerning the prudent use of antimicrobials in animals?
Of the 71 countries responding to this question, 48 stated that they have not developed any national policies or guidelines regarding the prudent use of antimicrobials in animals, while 23 countries stated they have such national policies or guidelines in place. As presented in Figure 1, there are differences between the geographical regions. Aside from the North American region (1 response), the highest percentage of respondent countries that have developed policies on prudent use in animals comes from East Asia & Pacific (50 %). The vast proportion of respondents from Middle East & North Africa (86 %) and Sub-Saharan Africa (79 %) do not have any policies or guidelines on the prudent use of antimicrobials in animals. Additionally, among the respondent countries from South Asia (2), none has developed policies or guidelines on the prudent use of antimicrobials in animals.

Tuesday May 31, 2018/ EFSA/ European Union.