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EU: Risk of antimicrobial resistant bacteria spreading during animal transport

EFSA has begun work on a new assessment looking at the risk of antimicrobial resistant bacteria spreading during animal transport.

26 October 2021

The assessment, which was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI), will focus on the risk of resistant zoonotic bacteria spreading among poultry, pigs and cattle during transport to other farms or to slaughterhouses.

As well as investigating the factors that can cause the spread of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria through transport, EFSA will also review preventive measures and control options, and identify data needs to support further analysis of the issue. The final scientific opinion is expected to be finalised by September 2022.

The request emerged from discussions held over the past year between the European Parliament, the European Commission and EFSA.

October 25, 2021/ EFSA/ European Union.

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